obviously Deano uses a more sophisticated method of putting a computer together............ I hope!!!!!!!!!!! [smilie=laugh[2].gif] [smilie=laugh[2].gif] [smilie=laugh[2].gif] [smilie=laugh[2].gif]
ADF-Dizz wrote:obviously Deano uses a more sophisticated method of putting a computer together............ I hope!!!!!!!!!!! [smilie=laugh[2].gif] [smilie=laugh[2].gif] [smilie=laugh[2].gif] [smilie=laugh[2].gif]
should i be [smilie=laugh[2].gif] [smilie=laugh[2].gif] [smilie=laugh[2].gif]
CritiCAl wrote:
i will be seeing u about some page files
lol that was so funny...for everyone that doesnt know...i had him going for 3 months about him needing to update his windows page file to version 1.0b....he rang a shop about it...even though he now says he didnt lolololol
did anyone spot the fault? the bunny is supposed to act the the earth, not as the decoration. as for the carrot i think deano places that upright on his seat ZING