Where are you from: Queensland, Australia
How old are you: 15, 16 on may 15th
What is your name: Justin
A link to your tracker account: http://aaotracker.com/usertracker.php?userid=545209
Links to other clans have you been with: http://www.mafiaclan.net
How long have you played for: 7/8 months... Since May 20th
Do you have a microphone and headphones: Yep Sure do
How did you find out about us: Ive played on your server and Wed13 told me the website and also said to make a application.
What 7 character name will you use: ie .-=(ADF-Anxiety)=-.
hey m8 good 2 see u got around 2 it good on ya anyways jump on ts alot everytime u play and play on our server (i got a new mic so i can talk no wait thats right i fixed my problem it wasnt the mic it was the speaker plug came loose in the back of the computer) and good luck hope u do get it come on recruting admins we let aussie, doom, and cage in because there 15.
so think about making another exception hopefully u do but it is up 2 u's well im out wed13 out!!!
lol deano u forgot a few this is the real list m8
1. ADF is the best clan
2. deano is gay
3. bob is gay
4. dani is a trani
5. dani deosnt wear any undies
6. dodgy is the back bone of ADF
7. wed is the best not deano
ADF-Wed13 wrote:lol deano u forgot a few this is the real list m8
1. ADF is the best clan
2. deano is gay
3. bob is gay
4. dani is a trani
5. dani deosnt wear any undies
6. dodgy is the back bone of ADF
7. wed is the best not deano
but its true that bobs gay because he's going out with dani who says he is a she when he isnt a she 4 infact he is a he which makes bob going out with a man thats how u get bob is gay
ADF-Wed13 wrote:but its true that bobs gay because he's going out with dani who says he is a she when he isnt a she 4 infact he is a he which makes bob going out with a man thats how u get bob is gay
god u talk crap, lol i cant even understand what you write because theres no ',' or '.' anywhere [smilie=laugh[2].gif]
midget_nick wrote:Good luck dori, you sure did own me on pipline today. Wow I got absolutly HUMILIATED! And everyone was laughing at me because of your funny funny jokes.
hahahaha u wouldnt of been accepted anyway m8 u woulda wasted ur time ya tyc pic got the teamspeak sever off us if ya didnt know so that would be a term lol plaus i kinda sent picton links 2 his app and the other post off him disrespecting ADF.
so he could see 4 him self how he would ruin L]B[C so ya midget did i metion picton started ADF and ADF and L]B[C are close friends. lol app denied stright away u really did waste ur time lol. hahahahaha that was good
ADF-Wed13 wrote:hahahaha u wouldnt of been accepted anyway m8 u woulda wasted ur time ya tyc pic got the teamspeak sever off us if ya didnt know so that would be a term lol plaus i kinda sent picton links 2 his app and the other post off him disrespecting ADF.
so he could see 4 him self how he would ruin L]B[C so ya midget did i metion picton started ADF and ADF and L]B[C are close friends. lol app denied stright away u really did waste ur time lol. hahahahaha that was good
What are you on about? I can't understand any of that.
hes Saying dont post on this forum again. and he showed 1 L]B[C admin i guess you disrespect to ADF and your appliaction got denied and you wasted your timr or some Jibberish
All of you stop trying to be the English teacher. Most of you don't even punctuate correctly. Like putting "im" instead of "I'm". Your conjunctions are all wrong. None of you capitalized at the beginning of your sentences. Oh and none of you capitalized "English". All languages are capitalized.
dani were australian english gramma and australian gramma r 2 different things.
anxiety how r ya m8 if ur oike ur name and u get them attacks welcome to adf i'll learn ya uphave a beer and go queenslander
ADF-DELTA wrote:anxiety how r ya m8 if ur oike ur name and u get them attacks welcome to adf i'll learn ya uphave a beer and go queenslander
Yeah im alright well kinda.I don't exactly have anxiety attacks if thats what you mean  but yeah i do have it.
:O Giving a 15 yr old a beer shame on you. haha.
Last edited by DoriTime on Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:05 am, edited 1 time in total.